“Lungfish” by Meghan Gillis

Mark in Melbourne
1 min readJul 26, 2022

Resiliency and courage in the face of abandonment and betrayal form the heart of Meghan Gillis’ powerful debut novel, “Lungfish”. A new mom faces a dire reality when she realizes that, though she is not alone, she would probably be better off if she were.

The precarious situation takes her to an ancestral home on an island off coastal Maine. Gillis’ descriptions of this beautiful and harsh land- and seascape are breathtaking. Her ability to weave in a seemingly endless knowledge of the natural world are marvelous, enlightening, and frightening. There is a disquiet that permeates “Lungfish”. The challenges faced seem insurmountable.

Parenthood presents challenges that many are unable to meet. Events leading up to this perilous state are shown to have roots generations ago. Mothers and children are often forced to bear a burden that requires super-human physical and emotional strength. “Lungfish” is a wonderful narrative of how a strong woman and young daughter fight to survive under the most challenging conditions.

Meghan Gillis has a lot to say and a beautiful way of saying it. I will be sure to keep a close eye on her career moving forward.

Thanks to Catapult and Netgalley for the eARC.



Mark in Melbourne

Fighting the good fight in Florida. Committed to literacy, educational opportunity, and community. Use Medium to promote debut authors.